Within EN ISO 19650-3, there are three possible scenarios for the Information management process to support the operational phase of assets. Figure below (EN ISO 19650-3 Figure 4).

The first option is when the trigger event is taking place after the mobilization stage. The second scenario is when the trigger event is happening before the invitation to tender stage, which is the same approach as ISO19650 -2 Delivery Phase activities.

Trigger Event Timing

  • Trigger event is taking place after mobilization stage (ISO 19650 Figure 4 – Path B)

  • Trigger event is happening before invitation to tender stage (ISO 19650 Figure 4 – Path C)

Information management activities

  1. Assessment and Need

  2. Invitation to Tender

  3. Tender Response

  4. Appointment

  5. Mobilisation

  6. Collaborative Production of Information

  7. Information Model Delivery

  8. Close-out

Trigger Events Examples

  • Unpredicted occurrences,

  • Trigger events can be foreseen and scheduled (i.e., Creating of new asset); see more examples in

Finally, the last possible scenario related to the Operational phase of assets is path D  (ISO 19650 Figure 4 – Path D), where information is acquired from the appointing party (existing owner)

Relationship between this document and I.S. EN ISO 19650-2.

During the delivery phase (Section 6), ISO 19650-2 is applied to the project delivery process when using the ISO 19650-3 standard. The appointing party (Client/Owner) can decide using existing delivery phase-related documents if they are suitable for a specific trigger event (related to assets).

The deciding factor for the above choice will be dictated by the scale and complexity of:

  • Assets

  • Response to trigger event(s)

  • Delivery team

Scenario 1:

In this case, ISO 19650-2 is not applicable for the trigger event, and in a scenario where the appointing parties (Clients/Owners) are different to what is specified for EN ISO 19650-3 events, resulting in two appointing parties. Responsibilities and information requirements for involved stakeholders (appointing parties and lead appointed parties) to be specified and communicated.

Scenario 2:

In the case where both parts of the I.S. EN ISO 19650-2 and 3 are applied, parties must ensure consistency of standards, production methods, and procedures between assets and project information.

  • Links to helpful resources here.