Build Digital Annual Conference 2024
Build Digital and NSAI CWMF BIM Mandate Conference 2024
Build Digital was delighted to partner with the National Standards Authority of Ireland to present the CWMF BIM Mandate Conference 2024. The one-day event is part of a broader strategy to support public sector clients in adopting the new Building Information Modelling (BIM) mandate, which came into effect at the beginning of 2024 under the Capital Works Management Framework (CWMF).
The conference, which took place in the Radisson Blu Hotel & Spa in Cork, marked the third annual conference for the Build Digital Project. Approximately 150 construction professionals and industry leaders gathered to network, hear from expert speakers and participate in workshops all designed to enhance understanding of the Irish BIM mandate.
In her opening speech Director of Build Digital, Dr Clare Eriksson said:
“Build Digital is essentially a transformation project designed to signpost the answers to the ‘why?’ and the ‘how?’ of driving integrated inter-operable digital transformation and adoption across the industry. We aim to innovatively improve efficiency, improve productivity and improve international competitiveness on a sustainable basis in Ireland.”
Attendees at the conference benefited from panel discussions, Q&A sessions and individual presentations throughout the morning of the conference.
Chaired by Shane Dempsey, Secretary General of the ACEI, the event included speakers such as Dr Clare Eriksson, Director Build Digital, Brian O’Loughlin, NSAI, Joe Mady, DCT Group, Robert Moore, Build Digital Project Lead, Alen O’Farrell, Department of Education, Daniel Crowley, Cork City Council, Dean Murphy, Clúid Housing, Joanne Treacy, CIF, PJ Rudden, Dept of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform and Charles Mitchell, OGP.
The sessions explored the digitalisation journey, CWMF and BIM requirements. Topics that were discussed included information plan toolkits and guidance, education and training supports and delivery team information management. Build Digital Project Lead, Robert Moore presented client’s information plans, including templates for clients to prepare a tender compliant with the BIM mandate. Alen O’Farrell, from the Department of Education, followed Moore by presenting his experience of implementing BIM within the department. Robert Moore also presented delivery team information management plans, which included templates for the supply chain to respond to a tender compliant with the BIM mandate.
Panel discussions were conducted surrounding NSAI initiatives and the opportunities and challenges of implementing the BIM mandate for different cohorts of public clients.
The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) was pleased to partner with Build Digital for the recent BIM Mandate Conference: ‘This was a welcome and timely opportunity to communicate the role of NSAI standards and certification in supporting attendees as they establish, or develop existing, BIM capabilities. NSAI was also delighted to support in providing a forum for attendees to outline the digitalisation needs of stakeholders in the construction industry, including a discussion on the benefits of NSAI certification to I.S. EN ISO 19650. The growth of areas such as digitalisation in the construction sector is happening at such considerable rates that events like this that bring together experts in this field are crucial to ensuring the adaptation of such technologies happens in a way that is regulated, sustainable, and supports the growth of the industry overall.'
Build Digital’s outputs were outlined by Jimmy Fahy, ATU, Dr Ken Thomas, SETU, Ted McKenna, MTU and Dr Joe Harrington, MTU. A regional specific panel discussion chaired by Joanne Treacy, CIF, Cork, followed this. This panel discussion addressed the opportunities and challenges of implementing the BIM mandate for different cohorts of public clients, including national infrastructure, local infrastructure, and housing. The panel consisted of representatives from each cohort including Alen O’Farrell, Department of Education, Daniel Crowley, Cork City Council, and Dean Murphy, Clúid Housing.
In the afternoon session of the conference, attendees took part in industry-specific workshops led by Mary Ryan, Build Digital Operations Lead. These workshops specified what the attendees believed were high, medium and low priorities for national authority infrastructure, local authority infrastructure and housing sectors. Priorities highlighted included staff upskilling, understanding of data to be exchanged, implementation timelines, establishing clear briefs, attracting top talent and many more.
The conference proved to be an excellent opportunity for industry networking amongst attendees and speakers. A town hall debate and discussion surrounding the BIM mandate took place at the end of the day which resulted in valuable takeaways and insights for all. Key topics discussed included the impact of the BIM mandate on local councils, the demand for upskilling within teams and the importance of the mandate.