A Common Data Environment (CDE) technical solution and workflow should be implemented to allow quality  (consistence, checked and approved) information to be accessed by those who require it to undertake their function. A CDE enables the development of a federated information model for all the design team information. The information can be used for different purposes, such as coordination, program, costs, etc.

The CDE workflow is enabled by a technical solution or several federated technical solutions. A technical solution is remote storage that enables metadata, version history logs, secure access, and notifications. Web-based collaborative platforms may be used if they have the required functionality, but some software providers have customised their technical solutions for the construction and built environment, adding extra functionality around viewing models and interrogating data.

The CDE is essential because it facilitates secure access to the most up-to-date information, reduces issues during information production, allows for versioning of information, tracks metadata, tracks approval processes of information, and supports effective information management.

·        For more guidance on why CDE solutions and workflow are important, please refer to section 11 of I.S. EN ISO 19650-1.