When assigning a task to a delivery team, assessing a supplier's abilities and capacity is crucial. This applies to information management also. The appointing party should assess the supplier's capacity and capability to meet information needs, their competency in collaborating, their familiarity with digital tools, and whether they have experienced staff to deliver the project.

In terms of ISO 19650, this step of assessing the delivery team’s capability and capacity can be achieved through a pre-appointment BIM Execution Plan (BIM execution plan). At the tender stage, before a contract is agreed upon, a prospective supplier will develop a BIM execution plan to demonstrate their proposed approach, capability, capacity, and competence to meet the EIR in general terms. This plan before the award is known as the Pre-appointment BIM execution plan. The BEP should be prepared and completed to align with and follow that of the project/organization specific EIR or any template provided by the client or appointing party. The BIM execution plan should include the following:

  • Who does what (roles)

  • Who will fulfil those roles (people and their resumes)

  • Have they the competency/experience (capability and capacity assessment)

  • How we will do the work (delivery strategy)

  • What information do we need (Exchange Information Requirements or EIR)

  • How we will work together (collaborative production goals)

  • Who is the delivery team (organisation structure)

  • Our team members (delivery team composition)

  • How we organize information (federation strategy)

  • Who's responsible for what (responsibility matrix)

  • How we create information (project information production methods)

  • The rules for our information (project information standards)

  • What risks we might face (delivery team risk register)

  • How we start (mobilization plan)

  • The tools we'll use (software, hardware, and IT schedule).

These requirements and the initial BIM execution plan help create the contract between parties for different project stages like design, construction, or operation, where BIM modelling and information management are crucial. A pre-appointment BIM execution plan template may be provided by the appointing party and should be included within the invitation to tender documentation.

S.R. CEN/TR 17654:2021 Guideline for the implementation of Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) and BIM Execution Plans (BIM execution plan) on European level based on I.S. EN ISO 19650-1 and -2

Additional guidance on Pre-appointment is available through the Construction Professionals Skillnet,

The Centre for Digital Build Britain has produced guidance on creating and updating BIM Execution Plans in line with I.S. EN ISO 19650,

Once a contract has been awarded, the successful supplier is required to confirm the BIM Execution Plan. This confirmed BIM Execution Plan focuses on confirming the supply chain's capabilities and approach. BIM Execution Plan be regarded as a live document for update during the course of the project delivery stage, with any changes being approved by the lead appointed party and appointing party and communicated to all task teams. Details about the BIM execution plan are explained further in Section 5.7. Figure 2 from the digital construction pack by Construction Professionals Skillnet illustrates the BIM Delivery Process.

For further information, refer to the section  Pre-appointment BIM execution plan.