I.S. EN ISO 19650 CDE workflow suggests assigning unique IDs to each information container. Each information container might be at a different stage during development. Imagine a construction project for a new School building.

CDE for a project according to I.S. EN ISO 19650-1 could be as follows.

1. Work in Progress (WIP) state:

  • Each task team, such as the architects and structural engineers, starts by working on their part of the project in their dedicated WIP status. Architects would have their separate status; the structural engineering team and all the other discipline teams would have their separate status.

  • Task team information is shared per the requirements and plan set out in the EIR, BEP and TIDP's (and MIDP) and only shared following the qualitative review and check of the information by the relevant task manager.

  • In the WIP stage, each task team creates and develops its respective graphical information, data and documents, which are not immediately shared with others.

  • When the task team manager approves the information using the agreed processes, this information is suitable for sharing; the information can then be shared in the shared status. The Task Team Manager is responsible for reviewing the data before sharing it in the shared status.

2. Task Team check/review/approve transition:

  • Once the architectural and structural teams have developed their initial models in the WIP stage, they move on to the "Shared" status. The architects share their BIM model in the "Shared" status to ensure compatibility with the structural model. The structural engineers do the same. This information has now changed to “Suitable for Coordination.”

  • In the "Shared" status, the task teams collaborate/coordinate, checking for clashes and ensuring constructability and the correct level of information. This is essential to avoid issues later in the project.

  • If any changes are required they're  addressed at coordination meetings and prioritisation of certain task elements may be given over others, as outined in the exchange information requirements and BIM execution plan. This is revised and versioned up on the WIP state and transferred upon compltion and approval into the shared state once again. .

1.     Client review/authorize transition

  • The information is shared with the client in the shared status for approval.

  • After the coordination in the "Shared" status is complete, and both architectural and structural models are compatible, the teams move to the review/authorize process by the appointing party.

  • This step allows the client to review and provide feedback on the project's progress.

2.     Published state:

  • In the "Published" status, the authorised graphical information, data, and documents are considered final deliverables. This information is used for detailed design, construction, and asset management.

  • This status is also read/view only.

3.     Archived state:

  • The purpose of the "Archived" status is to maintain a historical record of all project information shared or published, ensuring its availability for auditing purposes or any other future needs. This could include investigating a building failure, legal disputes, or lessons learned.

  • This is to have a record of the PIM and AIM development during the project.

  • The "Archived" state contains a comprehensive journal that records the history of information development and exchange. This includes details such as:

1.     Who checked the information and when?

2.     Who approved it, and when?

3.     The status assigned to it before it was shared.

4.     Who authorized it, and when?

5.     Who accepted it, and when?

  • In summary, the design teams create information, share the information for feedback, approve the information, accept the information, and then archive superseded information. All these processes are recorded in the CDE, which helps with transparency.

  • The Archive status is also read-only.

 Please refer to section 12 of I.S. EN ISO 19650-1 for detailed information on CDE solutions and workflow.

 The UK BIM Framework and RIAI both provide guidance within this area of CDEs.

For further information, refer to section CDE.