BIM methodologies have been adopted in the construction industry to support projects, improve collaboration, and increase project preparation. [1]

This is usually accomplished through a shared digital representation of a built asset; as per I.S. EN ISO 19650, this information can be in many forms, i.e. 2D, 3D, structured and nonstructured information.

A common use for BIM is to help coordinate the information from several disciplines, which allows teams to perform a conflict analysis based on a generated 3D information model involving multidisciplinary professionals. Based on the result, a construction process can be generated and represented. This can enable the development of a digital simulation that optimizes time and resource management. BIM can have multiple uses (use cases), with many not requiring a 3D model.

The European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency have stated in Supporting digitalisation of the construction sector and SMEs that “The digitalisation of the construction sector goes beyond the sole use of BIM to include automated fabrication (pre-fabrication) using robots and 3D printing, drones, 3D scanning, sensors and Internet of things (IoT). Each of these technologies is slowly penetrating the construction sector in Europe, but so far, the focus on the digitalisation of the construction sector has been on BIM” because of its benefits and the potential return on investment.

The EU considers BIM as an important transformation enabler of the construction industry. In its procurement directive of 2014, the EU identifies BIM implementation as the primary solution to managing information, especially during an asset's procurement, design, construction (including assembly), operation, and maintenance phase.

Some BIM benefits across the different phases of the lifecycle are highlighted below.[2]


·        Better concept and feasibility. This can lead to a reduction in cost and time. 

·        Effective site analysis to understand environmental and resource-related problems.

·        Improve effectiveness and accuracy of existing conditions’ documentation.

·        Effective design reviews leading to sustainable design. This can lead to a reduction in embedded carbon and CO2 emissions.

·        Enhancement of energy efficiency. This can reduce CO2 emissions

·        Resolve design clashes earlier through visualizing the model. Saving cost and time and reducing waste.

·        Enables faster and more accurate cost estimation. Allowing better management of project cost.


·        Evaluation of the construction of complex building systems to improve planning of resources and sequencing of alternative works.

·        Effective management of the storage and procurement of project resources.

·        Efficient fabrication of various building components offsite using design model as the basis.

·        BIM allows better site utilization:  Site setup can be coordinated and simulated prior to installation stage.

·        Reduce site congestion and improve health and safety.

Post construction

·        BIM record model can help in decision-making about operations, maintenance, repair, and replacement of a facility.

·        Makes asset management faster, more accurate, and with more information.

·        Ability to schedule maintenance and easy access to information during maintenance.

Some of the greatest benefits from BIM can be found in its ability to enable enhanced communication and information management. This includes.

·        People understand 3D models and images more easily, helping reduce the potential for misinterpretation inherent to 2D images.

·        BIM improves communication between stakeholders, including clients, building authorities/ assessors, local communities, and contractors.

·        BIM provides an opportunity to engage clients, contractors, and other stakeholders much earlier in the design process – when their inputs deliver the greatest value.

·        BIM provides inputs for virtual and augmented reality viewing of a model, helping viewers understand spatial relationships and final appearances.

·        Non-graphical information, such as schedules, dimensions, volumes, and attributes, can be added to a model or even generated in a model.

·        Modelling software manages graphical information associated with each element of an asset.

·        BIM information is digital, which by nature is easily stored and transmitted and readily searched, sorted, and filtered[3]

[1] Alcínia Zita SampaioNuno R. Gomes1, Augusto M. GomesAlberto Sanchez-Lite (2022) : Multi-Project in an Integrated BIM Model: Clash Detection and Construction Planning,  Journal of Software Engineering and Applications > Vol.15 No.10, October 2022

[2] Ullah, K., Lill, I. and Witt, E. (2019), "An Overview of BIM Adoption in the Construction Industry: Benefits and Barriers", Lill, I. and Witt, E. (Ed.) 10th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization (Emerald Reach Proceedings Series, Vol. 2)

[3] New Zealand BIM acceleration committees Handbook BIM, available at