Digitalisation for a Circular Built Environment Framework
December 2022
Principal Authors
Sadaf Dalirazar, Build Digital Innovator, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin
Contributing Authors
Dr. Mark Kelly, Lecturer, Department of Building and Civil Engineering, Atlantic Technological University
Dr. Derek Sinnott, Senior Lecturer Engineering, Department of Built Environment, South East Technological University
Dr. James O’Donnell, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin
Build Digital Leadership & Editorial
Dr. Clare Eriksson, Project Director and Principal Investigator, Build Digital and Head of School of Transport and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Technological University Dublin
Robert Moore MSc, Project Lead, Build Digital, Technological University Technological University Dublin
Framework Development
What are the planning CE/sustainability requirements?
What are the client CE/sustainability project requirements?
How are the CE/sustainability requirements implemented and bench-marked throughout a project?
What are the planning digital/BIM/information management requirements?
What are the client digital/BIM/information management requirements?
How are the digital/BIM/information management requirements implemented and bench-marked throughout a project?
Review CE best practice, guidance and case studies to develop checklist.
Map CE principles against potential client requirements i.e., BREEAM, LEED etc.
Map CE principles against RIBA Plan of Work, Sustainable Outcomes,DfMA
Develop CE intervention overlay to RIBA Plan of Work.
Review BIM tools and software that will support CE interventions.
Map CE overlay to digital/BIM/information management requirements.
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