Build Digital National Annual Survey 2024

Welcome to the Build Digital Project's Annual Survey!

The purpose of this survey is to track the use of digital technology across the construction and built environment sectors in Ireland.

What kind of information is being collected?
We will ask you about your digital adoption practices, the standards you follow, and other similar topics. Additionally, you will be asked about the opportunities and challenges you face in the industry. If you don't like the question or 

How will your information be used?
We will collect an email address and some information about you or your organisation. All information collected will be treated with respect and confidentiality. Your contributions will be anonymized before publishing the survey results. You can stop answering questions at any time, and request that your contributions be deleted.

Can I exit this survey anytime?
Absolutely, just close the window! If you complete the survey, we will also ask you to give your informed consent at the final step. Data from incomplete surveys and surveys without explicit consent will be deleted and not used.

Do you have any concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the project team at